I walked into the theater expecting and wanting to like Christopher Robin. Perhaps that was the problem. Maybe I expected too much. It turned out to be something of a disappointment.
The story took far too long to get going, and there was no excuse for that because there wasn’t all that much story to begin with. It boiled down to a retread of the valuable but cliched life lesson about spending less time at work and more time with your family. The first act was dull, and nothing really got interesting until the last 20 minutes or so.
Ewan McGregor didn’t help matters with his wooden portrayal of an adult Christopher Robin. Christopher was boring at work, boring with his family, and stayed boring even after meeting Pooh and company. Things didn’t get interesting until Christopher’s daughter Madeline (Bronte Carmichael) met the animals and set off on an adventure of her own.

Jim Cummings, Nick Mohammed, and Bronte Carmichael in Christopher Robin. IMDb.com.