Just what the movie-going audience was clamoring for–another remake of Robin Hood. We’ve only had a couple dozen takes on this, so I guess the Hollywood suits thought we needed another one, complete with all the gimmicky, cliched “edginess” that passes for story in too many movies lately. For those who want to save some time, I’ll just say at the outset that Robin Hood was absolute crap from beginning to end. There was nothing good about this movie. For those who want the gory details, read on.
For starters, this thing must be set in a parallel universe, because it doesn’t even vaguely resemble any time period in our history. Taking liberties is one thing, but having the entire film full to bursting with bizarre anachronisms is quite another. We’re told it takes place during the crusades, but the armor and clothing are all over the place. And no, you don’t have to be a hard-core history buff to notice. The main cast looks like they just stepped out of a high-end boutique. Marian (Eve Hewson) sports a very stylish black leather jacket over a modern-cut, red dress and suede high heel boots. Robin (Taron Egerton) and Little John (Jamie Foxx) look like they just finished a GQ photo shoot. But the worst offender has to be the Sheriff of Nottingham (Ben Mendelsohn), who spends the entire movie in a full-length, dove grey leather coat.

Ben Mendelsohn in Robin Hood (2018). IMDb.com.