Tag Archives: Erich Hoeber

Bad Idea Theater Presents: The Meg

The Meg is the latest in a long line of summer films dedicated to feeding on the fear and morbid fascination humans have with the idea of being eaten by a monster. This is a spoiler-free review, so I won’t tell you whether Pippin the dog or Hamster Ball Guy from the trailer survive to the final credits. Some of the supporting cast gets eaten, some doesn’t, and not even the Meg can eat the entire buffet of cliched potential victims conveniently packed into one crowded beach. Trying to guess which minor characters and extras would make it out alive was the only source of minor suspense in an otherwise by-the-numbers summer popcorn flick.

Pippin the Dog Tries to Escape from The Meg. IMDb.com

Pippin the Dog Tries to Escape from The Meg. IMDb.com

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